Town of Stark
Vernon County, Wisconsin
Office of the Clerk
Notice of Caucus
The caucus date for the Town of Stark has been set for Wednesday, January 15th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Stark town hall S3803 Corps Road, La Farge, WI.
Offices to be filled in the Town of Stark are Chairman, two Supervisors, and Treasurer.
The caucus is a method often used by towns and villages for nominating candidates to be placed on the Spring Election ballot. Although the caucus is open to the public, only qualified electors of the Town of Stark may nominate and vote for candidates. A person is not required to be a registered voter in order to participate in the caucus. Any person who is a United States citizen, 18 years of age or older, who has resided within the municipality for at least 10 days before the caucus is a qualified elector.
An individual who is interested in office does not necessarily have to attend the caucus, but should notify the clerk or chairperson that he or she would like to be nominated.
Only those persons nominated will be voted on at the caucus, if voting is necessary.
Notice of Town Board Meeting
The Town of Stark will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 15th, 2024, immediately following the town caucus. The agenda will be posted in the usual locations.
Town of Stark
Jake Spry
Deputy Clerk